Monday, March 19, 2007

So, Why the New Digs?

Well, put simply, Myspace can really get on my nerves. And no, it is not my friends on there who get on my nerves, it's all of the people who are not my friends. I know a lot of the ladies out there have ran into a lot of freaks thanks to Myspace, but let me tell ya, us males are not excluded from them either. There seems to be a lot of illiteracy, and most of it seems to be centered around Myspace. "Check out my hot webcam. I am so lonely and hooking my way through college and it would be so kewl if you added me!" Or my personal favorite "I know you are into spanking girls, but will you add diaperedsubmale please?" Pshaw, and hell no. (Sorry if the latter may make me "closed minded" but really, come on.)

Also, I think this will give me a better opportunity to write. I used to love writing, and I still do, actually. The "real world" as of late has been keeping me from this hobby of mine. I hope a fresh new site that is more oriented toward this sort of thing will keep me more active.

My "in" box in the old principal's office was overflowing with discipline referrals. I need to get on those, stat. There is a lot a bad young ladies out there, and they need to be paddled!


Brat V aka TX Spankogirl said...

Nice to see you on here! I agree about myspace. That's why I started a blog here also (even though I still have a page there). This is SO much better. I'll be sure to add a link to you on my blog here. :-)

~TX Spankogirl~

Anonymous said...

I found you! I moved over here from live journal, so I completely understand why you moved! I hope to hear lots from you.


Mr. Ritter said...

Thanks y'all!

Hopefully my creative juices will be flowing, and I will get to posting!

Tx Spankogirl- glad to see a familiar friend!

Emilie- Glad you found me! My LJ has serious cobwebs!