Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Some Days

Some days, I sign on here, or onto my MySpace or Livejournal, check them out, leave, and think nothing of it. Then some days, I check here or on my MySpace, and all I want to do is find a bratty girl and SPANK HER!!! Today is one of those days, and there is no one around. Oh well.

Anyhow, this is a bit of a nothing post. I have been kind of hard-pressed to think of what to really write in here as of late. The last bit o' spanking action I had was that night at work, so really all there is in the spanking news is "today, I thought about it a lot, and nothing happened." So it goes.

Ten points to whoever can tell me what book I automatically think of when I say "so it goes."

Of course, I think I will be feeling much more creative once school is out. I only have 2 more weeks of hell, then I am done for a month. I was going to take May-mester, but no thanks. I think I am gonna spend May just cookin' at work and enjoying the occasional days where I have nothing to do but maybe grill out and have a brew or two. God, let me be there now!!!


Ruby Redd said...

Only two weeks left for me, too. I'm so excited! Of course, I only get a couple of weeks off before summer term starts up. Bah!


Ruby Redd said...

Hey, I think you left the comments turned off on your latest post...just FYI.

Boys are dumb, let's throw rocks at them.


Mr. Ritter said...

For some reason it automatically did this on that post, although it never has before... wweird. I was wondering if I was jsut forgotten or what...