Sunday, April 1, 2007

Observation and a Question...

When I see another top on MySpace or other internet site, I automatically put them in the "union" in my head. This means that in a fantasy world, if I were to meet one of these guys, it would be like "oh yeah, I spank bratty girls too! I'm the Local 376!" Hehe.

Anyhow, there is another thing I notice with other tops, especially on MySpace. It's something a lot of them do, but I have rarely ever done, especially with someone I have not met in real life or have at least gotten pretty close to chatting on the net. What is this I am talking about? The style of comments left on bottom's pages.

I see a lot of guys leaving messages such as "I am going to spank you, you naughty girl." Now, let me tell ya, I say such things too, but usually if it is to someone who I am going to spank, or someone I know well, at the very least. Even then, it is rare for me to comment this way on a blog, or even in an email.

Don't get me wrong... I LOVE to threaten a gal with a spanking. Mmmmm Hmmm! Fun indeed! I guess what I am saying is that when it is said out of context, and said over and over by every guy on some girl's blog, it seems to be annoying to me. I feel that it misrepresents every Top out there on the internet.

For instance, let's say a gal puts up a pic of her lovely self for all of us spankers. It seems a lot of guys are just automatically commenting with "oh yeah, you know you need a spanking you bad girl" or something similar. This is where I usually leave a comment for her saying something like "Wow! You are cute and very spankable!" I dunno, it just seems like that is a little more classy.

I think it is possible to be a gentleman, and still be stern.

Ladies... how do you feel about this?


Bonnie said...

Mr Ritter,

You raise an excellent point. I sometimes receive e-mails from men with whom I've never had any contact. They claim that they intend to spank me severely.

Anyone who has ever looked at my blog should know that there's only one guy in my life. What they propose is simply not going to happen. Yet these messages continue to arrive at a rate of a couple per week.

Thank you for this instructive public service.


Richard Windsor said...

Oh goodness yeah, that one has bothered the snot out of me for a year now!!

There are 2 or 3 in particular that do this ad nauseum, and the other group that aren't really spankos who leave some other type of crass comment.

Funny enough, just last week I left someone a message in the vain that you talked about, saying that it was a cute pic of a pretty girl with a spankable bum. The funny part was, she deleted the comment yet left all the other spanko comments up there from I guess her R/L friends. I was a little bit bothered by that move!!

Richard Windsor.

Anonymous said...

Haha... you make good points, Mr. Ritter. I have often said that I want to write a book, a collection of all the asinine and overly forward spanking comments, IMs and emails I've gotten from perfect strangers, and call it "How NOT to Communicate on the Internet." I love threats and banter as much as the next spanko woman. But have some class, for heaven's sake, and don't assume a familiarity that you don't have.

In defense of MySpace, however, I do have to say... while I've gotten my share of inappropriate comments there (and I like to feature them on my blog!), I have also met some incredible friends. I think MySpace sometimes gets a bad rap for being all about teenagers and predators, but there are wonderful people to be found as well. :-) -- Erica

Ruby Redd said...

That IS an excellent point--one we've talked about more than once. I could definitely contribute a few idiotic emails and messages to Erica's book. On ALT, I keep getting a message from some guy in the northeast that says, "Do you like K-9" and that's it. I didn't know what he was talking about at first...thought maybe it was some sort of special spanking position or something. Then I thought maybe he was talking about doggie style sex. I think, however, that he's wondering if I would be willing to knock boots with a dog. Soooo, ummm... WTF?

But you, Sir, are a gentleman. And we thank you for it.


Mr. Ritter said...

Lol, Ruby, maybe he is a big fan of Jim Belushi movies.

Erica, I know it seems like I totally hate on myspace, but I have met some good people on there as well. It's just the place where I've noticed this type of behavior!